Saturday, August 18, 2012

ZeekRewards. A Ponzi Picture.

 As some of you have tried to sleepily complete the repetitive actions of logging on to Zeekler or ZeekRewards to no avail, your questions have been answered. Sadly, the ever lucrative ZeekRewards, affiliated with, has been shut down by the SEC, claiming it to be a $600 million Ponzi scheme. As FORBES reported, " was shut down by the SEC because it was a Ponzi scheme on the verge of collapse..." It is a sad day for all the former, suddenly poorer, Zeeklers. A moment of silence please.

ZeekRewards Logo
When I say this thing was getting good, I mean I was hearing about it from left and right. Recently, my parents phoned me about the program trying to get involved. Now they've always had an eye for a way to make quick money but nothing illegal. With that in mind, I've always steered clear of "businesses" such as Zeekler. I told her that I'm not fond of these things and next thing you know it's gonna bite you in the butt.

I'm not one to say I've told you so, so I'll just settle for.. Better luck next time.

Here is an interesting video on Zeekler and its recent misfortune.
            (Thanks to PowerDreamTeam)


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