Wednesday, November 23, 2011

ShaiSimms The Beauty Guru! :)

Im starting this new thing where I promo a person for one whole week. Here's the lucky first person:

Meet ShaiSimms. She's 24, young and vibrant! She loves to talk fashion and has an eye for cosmetic art. When she isn't talking about hair and make up, that means she's getting dolled up for a night on the town!! Look out guys, shes not one to underestimate!

ShaiSimms BLOG | YouTube




She's just starting out, but I think she's doing a great job! Visit her YouTube and Subscribe and Like her videos! Don't forget to leave positive feedback!


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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Drake's new album Take Care.

is amazing. here's Take Care - Drake ft Rihanna :)


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Twilight!! Breaking Dawn Part I

Soooooooo, I finally saw Breaking Dawn!!!! GAHHHHHH! I melted. I cried. I laughed. I peed, a little bit. It was epic! Honestly, when it was over I screamed out "NO!!" and the audience started laughing at me. Hahahhah I was and still am upset that it's over. Now I must wait. A WHOLE F%#$%ING YEAR!!!!! November 16, 2012. that's a long time. -_- it's okay I'm sure I'll find things to keep me busy in the meantime. Maybe not as interesting, but I can try... Anywayyy! Let me tell you about the movieee :) SPOILER ALERT!! RED FONT!!
So at the start, Jacob runs out the house and throws the wedding invite down and runs off in the rain. Cuts to Bella and Edwards wedding preparation scene, every one is setting up and doing their part to help make the wedding amazing. Bella sees Edward from afar, who looks like he's in some sort of trance, thinking about what will happen after the wedding. Next scene is Bella, who has a crazy dream that at the wedding Edward and her are going to eat all their guests. They're standing at the alter covered in blood, only to look down and see their guests piled high dead. The next scene is the start of the wedding, showing how everyone is happy, but nervous at the same time. Charlie walks Bella down the aisle. As they walk you can see how absolutely terrified Bella is and the more she sees Edwards face the more confident she becomes as she and Charlie are walking. They say their I Do's. At the beautiful reception, they have a quick run in with Laront's (spelling) significant other, who is deeply disturbed and hurt by his death. The guests give speeches and bless Bella and Edward with good wishes before they leave to their honeymoon. All the speeches are extremely awkward. Bella's mom creepily sings a song she used to sing to baby Bella, while Alice speaks about how Bella will have to put up with her trying to make her wear heels and skirts. Bella and Edward take a breather and go outside where Jacob soon appears. Edward, like a gentleman, lets Bella and Jacob tgalk in partial privacy, as Edward is always listening from even afar. Bella immediately begins to cry when she sees Jacob, as he has been M.I.A. for a little while. This is supposed to be Jacobs final farewell to Bella, but you and I both know that day will never come ;). As the converse Jacob finds out that Edward and Bella plan to do the dirtyyyyy while she is still human. This really upsets Jacob and as soon as he begins to lose his temper Edward pops up and Jacobs anger is heightened. As things tense up a bit, The wolf pack is not far behind and comes to remove Jacob from the hostile situation. As Jacob leaves you can see how sad and hurt he is... A bit later, things calm down, Bella and Edward go back to the reception where they soon leave for their honeymoon. Edward has yet to tell Bella, or anyone for that matter, where the honeymoon is. As they come closer to leaving, the guests all line up outside to see the newlyweds off to their honeymoon. 

ill finish this promise. im o.d. sleepy. haha

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Busy Beeeee


Hey guys! I've been so busy lately! School had me swamped for finals. They only give us a week off every 10 weeks; last week was my week off and I def took advantageeee ;) Unfortunately during that week, my family and i were informed that my grandmother, on my father's side, had passed. I cannot begin to tell you the world of hurt I'm in. I'm much better as are my sisters but my parents... I can't say the same. My dad practically stayed in bed the entire day, and he's the one that'll jump on your bed if you're asleep past 9am. Her funeral is in a few weeks, they have to fly her home, to Jamaica which is also where the funeral will be held. To be honest, she's been sick for a while, but the actual event is so much harder to grasp. Positive side, she's no longer hurting.


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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Whoa. Justin Bieber's A Certified Rapper!

This shit go so hard! Lol a little unexpected from Mr. Bieber. But I gladly give him 5/5 Besos!



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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

RAVE: Maybelline Pulse Mascara

I love this mascara! Its like falsies without the falsies! No fake lashes needed ladies! Only thing, you have to apply it slowly. None of that a few quick strokes n i'm done. Gotta make the time to apply it. Luckily, it's worth it. Now with the vibrating wand, my homegirl thought it was a vibrator at first, as it went off in my purse! Haha! Cleared that up real quick! I personally feel as though the vibrations could be a bit stronger and actually extend throughout the entire wand from end to end .Instead it's located in the cover, and slowly loses strength as you get closer to the tip/applicator. Overall I give it 4/5 besos!


Maybelline Pulse Perfection Mascara
about $8 drugstore

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